Monday, May 28, 2012

Victoria Day Weekend

My mom, the kids and I went down island to the big old city of Victoria for Victoria day weekend.  Fitting I know :)  My brother and I used to go down with my Mom every Easter weekend as kids, well almost, and now my Mom and Kristina try and go every Victoria weekend.  This year, after the great Easter that ended in a separation, I thought it would be a good idea for the kids and I to all go with my Mom for a nice relaxing weekend away.

We had an amazing time, don't get me wrong, but man its exhausting being the only parent.  My Mom was great but its not the same as being with the other parent.  It was amazing, fun, and such a good time, just exhausting.  I may have fallen asleep at 9:00 the second night :)

Totally want to try making this!!

Now this is a Life Made Delicious post after all so I should get to the good old food part.  The truth of the matter is, even though we staying in my Dad's trailer, he works down there during the week, we didn't cook a single thing.  The kids had cereal for breakfast before we would go out for breakfast but not one single bit of cooking took place.  It was heaven.  All we had to decide was where to go and what to order.  Oh and we quickly realized that Brandon doesn't like to eat out three meals a day like Kristina did so much at 4.

He was great just not as quiet as she had been ;)

Now that we are home again and back into our routines we are back to some old favorites that I like to tweak a little bit for Summer time.  I am loving my meatloaf recipe right now.  Well I don't really have a recipe I basically just wing it.  A package of ground beef, an egg, some oats instead of bread crumbs, my Mom is wheat free, some onion, garlic, and some shredded veggies, the more hidden the better and some grated cheese.  I bake it at 350 degrees for about an hour.  Once its about 3/4 cooked I drain off some fat and then add the topping.  1/2 cup ketchup, a tablespoon or two of mustard and two table spoons of brown sugar, mixed well and added to the top.  My kids are asking for this all the time.  I throw together a quick Caesar salad or coleslaw, sometimes a bun and we are set!  It takes under 10 minutes to make and then we are out of the kitchen playing games until its ready!

What are your favorite recipes right now?  Check out some great BBQ recipes on Life Made Delicious!